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Why You Should Become BRIEF Certified

Apr 3, 2016 | BRIEF

Reading 3 minutes
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Benefits of Being BRIEF Certified

We live in a very competitive world, one where an executive’s attention span decreases from one minute to another. With each day, it becomes more difficult to get their attention and become a priority in their already overflowing day.

Imagine how this affects not just your work, but your career. You want to be considered for that next promotion. You want to be noticed and climb the proverbial corporate ladder. You and everyone else at work. The competition is ferocious.

But that does not mean you should give up.

It means you should find ways to be different, to be better than the competition.

How do you do that?

What Does It Mean to Be BRIEF?

Take a look at your skills.

Where do you need to improve? Create a list and write it down, along with the steps you need to take.

You identify what skills you need to master, along with the steps you need to take, and have already started.

The next question that pops up is: How do you get the attention of your executive or the person “holding the key” to your dream job?

You need to be BRIEF!

How Do You Become BRIEF?

The good news is, you don’t have to do it alone. A week ago we officially opened our Level 1 Certification online course.

The course is designed to learn at your own pace, from your office or the comfort of your home, on your own terms.

Just like GE has Six Sigma and Toyota has TPS, The BRIEF Lab offers an opportunity to master brevity in communication and create a noticeable shift in your organization and career.

Level 1 certification helps you shift from information overload to relevant meetings, brief presentations, concise emails, and effective sales pitches.

It will help win and keep your audience’s attention.

We are limiting this first course to 100 people, so you can have a dedicated brevity coach to work with you on things such as BRIEF maps and narrative maps, and create a shift that will extend through your entire organization.

That said, the spots are going fast.

If you want to stay ahead of your competition and become a master in brevity, click here to register for the online course. The cart closes on Wednesday, April 6, at midnight.

Before you go, I’ll leave you with the frequently asked questions about our certification.

Three Frequently Asked Questions About “The BRIEF Lab Level 1 Certification” 

Q: When will I receive the lessons?

A: The lessons begin on April 11 and, while we’ll deliver a new lesson to you every week, you can certainly work at your own pace. The first module, which includes nine lessons covered during the first three weeks, will be available April 11.

The second module, which includes eight lessons, will be available by May 2. You can go as fast or as slowly as you like. 

Q: What kind of time commitment will this require?

A: A lot less than you think! Ideally, you should budget one hour per week for 13 weeks.

Q: How can I be sure I will be good at this?

A: We will teach you how to trim your messages, how to breakdown complex information, and deliver concise communication and answer any questions you may have to ensure your success. Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think!

For more answers to questions others have had, check out the Frequently Asked Questions.  

Remember, this offer ends on April 6 so we can prepare for the April 11 start date.

Come join us in The BRIEF Lab Level 1 Certification and start your journey toward mastering brevity…for yourself and for your organization.



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