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What is Active Listening?

What is Active Listening?

Reading Time: 8 minutesWhat is Active Listening? Have you ever been in a conversation where the other person wasn’t really listening to what you were saying? Maybe they were distracted, thinking about their own response, or just not interested. It is frustrating...
Mastering Business Communication

Mastering Business Communication

Reading Time: 7 minutesMastering Business Communication: Key Strategies for Success Effective business communication is key to success in any industry. It can greatly impact the way a company functions and its overall success. It boosts employee morale, avoids...
4 reasons people tune you out

4 reasons people tune you out

Reading Time: 4 minutesDoes this question ever cross your mind after a rough conversation with your colleagues or boss? “Why doesn’t anyone seem to listen to me? I have awesome ideas!” Or even better, “Hey that was my idea, why didn’t anyone listen when I mentioned it...