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How to have those “Tough Conversations” at work

How to have those “Tough Conversations” at work

Reading Time: 3 minutesHow many times have you heard “bad news doesn’t get better with age”? One of the most difficult things a leader must do is have tough conversations with co-workers, direct reports, or a boss. Whether it’s counseling someone for poor performance,...
Three Presentation Tricks for Introverts

Three Presentation Tricks for Introverts

Reading Time: 3 minutesNot everyone is a natural born public speaker. Formal presentations can even make some people sick. As one of my military clients once told me “I’d rather get shot at than speak in public.” This anxiety is especially true for introverts....
BRIEF progress reports: Two free lessons for your team

BRIEF progress reports: Two free lessons for your team

Reading Time: < 1 minuteYou need important information from your team members every week, if not every day. But what do you do when these conversations and emails take so much time that it pulls you away from your most important priorities? If you’re like most...
Two BIG mistakes you make when updating the boss

Two BIG mistakes you make when updating the boss

Reading Time: 4 minutesProgress reports and team updates should be positive and productive. So why do we constantly hear from managers that they’re one of the most painful parts of their week? They’re missing the point but so are you Recently, I met an executive...
How bad communication kills teamwork

How bad communication kills teamwork

Reading Time: 4 minutes“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew...

BRIEF Meeting Prep Card™

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