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How to cut meetings in half

How to cut meetings in half

Reading Time: 3 minutes“What gets in the way of your productivity at work?” I ask this question all the time when I work with leadership teams. I hear a lot of the same answers: interruptions, paperwork, sorting through email, bureaucratic processes, etc. Some are...
4 powerful words to trim meetings and reports

4 powerful words to trim meetings and reports

Reading Time: 3 minutesWe love our acronyms in the military. Even though it can sound like we’re speaking in code, some of them are very useful. One of my favorites — and one of the the most useful is NSTR – “Nothing Significant to Report”. If we didn’t have anything...
Take Your Career Into Your Own Hands

Take Your Career Into Your Own Hands

Reading Time: 2 minutesYour career is not your father’s career. The days when someone else decided what you did, when you did it, and how you did it are over. No longer do we stay at companies for 40 years and retire with a pension check and a watch. Today, we control...