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How bad communication kills teamwork

How bad communication kills teamwork

Reading Time: 4 minutes“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew...
4 powerful words to trim meetings and reports

4 powerful words to trim meetings and reports

Reading Time: 3 minutesWe love our acronyms in the military. Even though it can sound like we’re speaking in code, some of them are very useful. One of my favorites — and one of the the most useful is NSTR – “Nothing Significant to Report”. If we didn’t have anything...
Join Churchill’s Fight Against TMI

Join Churchill’s Fight Against TMI

Reading Time: 4 minutesI recently spent time working closely with a team of Navy SEALs who confessed they are dealing with a serious problem: email overload. One of the team members went on a short vacation, only to come back to more than 500 emails clogging up his...
Six Useful Apps for Leaders

Six Useful Apps for Leaders

Reading Time: 3 minutesBusy doesn’t cut it. We are all busy, running from one meeting to another, putting out fires, keeping an open-door policy for the “do you have a sec?” conversations, an overflowing inbox, and more…all while making sure your company is running...