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BRIEF Experiential Learning Technique

What is BELT?

BRIEF Experiential Learning Technique, or BELT, is a proven method to teach attention-starved people in a way that is memorable, engaging, and effective. This certification is ideal for anyone who:


Leads professional training (in person and online)


Designs training curriculum


Leads ā€œtrain the trainerā€ workshops


Manages learning and development

Watch as Charley Thornton explains the framework and benefits of the BRIEF Experiential Learning Technique (BELT) course.

The Problem with Coursework

How do you feel when you find youā€™re going to spend a day in training? Excited that you get to build new skills? Or are you expecting a know-it-all instructor will lecture for hours until your brain goes numb?

Too many training courses make this mistake. Whatā€™s bad in the classroom has proven to be even worse online.

BELT: A Different Approach to Learning

At The BRIEF Lab we know that:


The person who is talkingā€”and doingā€”is the person who is learning.


Brevity makes learning easier.


Humor and fun are essential, especially with serious
subject matter.

With BELT Certification, Instructors Can:


Choreograph every lesson so the student is an active participant.


Ensure exercises are practical, relevant and challenging, never theoretical or unnecessarily difficult.


Set a tone that is always conversational and personal.

Learning Doesn't Have to be Lame!

BELT-certified instructors learn how to be:


Selfless (not about me, but you).


Clear and concise communicators (always a conversation).


Fun-loving (permission to enjoy life by finding time to laugh).

Need more information about The BRIEF Lab courses?

Download the brochure now!

ā€œBoring training is also bad training. Participants tune out instead of tuning in.ā€

Get BELT-Certified

There are three levels of BELT Certification:

1. Learning the BELT fundamentals

2. Applying BELT to your curriculum

3. Delivery assessment and instructor evaluation

The Story Behind BELT

When I was first asked to design a communications course for our Special Operations Community, I wanted it to feel completely differentā€”not just the content, but the learning experience itself.

So, we ditched the lectures and the PowerPoint and set out to reimagine what training could look like, pulling together a curriculum that blended the best of experiential learning with our belief that effective instructors must be brief and authentic. We used it as the basis for building our learning centerā€”The BRIEF Lab in Southern Pines, NCā€”and to design all of our courses that way.

Today, as online and hybrid training become the norm instead of the exception, it’s time to share this proven approach with other instructors, trainers and learning leaders. Itā€™s time to say enough is enough: Boring training must go. Not just because itā€™s painful but because itā€™s wasteful and dangerously ineffective.

I hope that BELT Certification will inspire you to deliver the kind of training that is profoundly effective and rewarding for everyone involved.

ā€”Joe McCormack

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