
Get Started

Write Concisely So People Will Read

BRIEF Writing: Instead of creating and consuming noise, your team will learn to write clearly and with confidence.

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Woman writing on a laptop

Bad Writing Costs Businesses $400 Billion a Year

You read that correctly. According to one study, people spend an average of 25.5 hours a week reading for work. And 81% of those surveyed agreed that poorly written material wastes a LOT of their time.

In a world of information overload, professionals need to be brief in every aspect of communication. In the BRIEF Writing course, people learn how to write concisely.

The BRIEF Writing program focuses on these core outcomes:

HEADLINES that instantly grab the reader’s attention.

BULLETS that organize the flow of information.

WHITE SPACE for emails that are read and understood.


OUTLINES to structure presentations and updates.

Trusted By

How It Works

The BRIEF Writing course (BRIEF 102) is based on the book, “BRIEF: Make a bigger impact by saying less.” BRIEF 102 blends engaging online resources, at-home writing, and pre-work with learning led by BRIEF Lab instructors in person or on a virtual platform.

Participants work individually and in small breakout rooms to become proficient in editing, organizing, and framing powerful content that gets read.

Everyone receives a link to individual assignments in our BRIEF Bridge online classroom to complete the course and access BRIEF tools and resources.

Office team at a table
Diverse office team working at a computer

BRIEF Meeting Prep Card™

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