
Get Started


Why Commit To Lean Communication?

Professional leaders recognize the value of concise communication as a core skill that sets them apart. Brevity forces clearer thinking, which leads to better decisions and results.

Reduce time spent in meetings, briefings and your “inbox”

Make better decisions faster based on clear, consistent information

Develop consensus that unifies effort and encourages follow-through

Improve operational efficiency and effectiveness

Ensure clarity to reduce confusion and re-work

Number of times per hour that professionals check their email

Average interruptions per day that professionals experience

Average attention span of professionals in seconds

Number of times professionals check their phones per day

Our Offerings

Embrace concise communication and develop a culture of brevity


Embrace a Culture of Brevity.

BRIEF Meetings

Learn to run shorter, more meaningful meetings that lead to decisive action.

BRIEF Writing

Write concisely so people will read.

Quiet Works for BRIEF Teams

Apply Quiet Time to Make BRIEF Practices Stick

BELT: BRIEF Experiential Learning Technique

Learning doesn’t have to be so lame!


What Our Customers Say

The Brief Lab has transformed communication for teams like yours – let us show you how to achieve an elite standard of communication in your organization.


Latest Blog Posts

Stay ahead of the communication curve – read the most recent blog posts from The BRIEF Lab to elevate your team’s communication skills today.

Are You an Inconsiderate Communicator?

Are You an Inconsiderate Communicator?

Are You an Inconsiderate Communicator? “You’re not an easy person to talk to.” That might sound harsh, what if it were true? What if that’s how people thought of you? What if you never knew, never asked, or found out at the end of your career – or your life? You may...

What is SITREP Storytelling?

What is SITREP Storytelling?

by Grace Aldridge Foster, BRIEF Lab Senior Instructor What is SITREP Storytelling? When it comes to communication challenges in the armed forces, two topics consistently dominate the conversation: emails and SITREPs (Situation Reports). Over nearly a decade of...

What is Flagging in Communication?

What is Flagging in Communication?

The Importance of Flagging in Communication Do you assume that people understand your message, only to learn later that they don’t remember it or are unsure what to do next? Learning to flag important information can transform your communication style so effectively...

BRIEF Meeting Prep Card™

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