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Take Your Career Into Your Own Hands

Apr 6, 2016 | BRIEF

Reading 2 minutes
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Your career is not your father’s career. The days when someone else decided what you did, when you did it, and how you did it are over. No longer do we stay at companies for 40 years and retire with a pension check and a watch. Today, we control our own destinies and can take our careers into our own hands.

That said, there still is one person who can decide whether or not you get that raise, promotion, or new job: The C-suite executive. And that person (or group of people) receives more than 300 emails per week, sits in six hours of meetings every day, and has a minimum of five direct reports. You can imagine, then, how important is to not only capture their attention, but to be brief when you do.

Brevity is no longer a nice-to-have. It’s a necessity. The sooner you learn to be brief and deliver your message quickly, the sooner you’ll get the decision made that will help you land your dream job or the promotion or raise you’re targeting.

Throughout my career, I have received hundreds of resumes. Do you know how many take the time to learn what we do, find a personal connection, and figure out a way to gain my attention in just a few seconds? Less than one percent!

What Does This Mean For Your Career?

There is an acute need for brevity among today’s professionals. We no longer need to send long cover letters followed by equally long resumes.

A short and to-the-point email will often do the trick. Hiring managers and executives care more about what you can do for them, and they need to know that in the first two sentences of your email or in the first five minutes of talking with you.

It’s so simple, but I’m willing to bet you have personal experience with people who just cannot be brief, no matter how hard they try.

To help you learn the BRIEF methodology and transform it throughout your organization we’ve launched The BRIEF Lab Level 1 Certification online course.

You will learn how to deliver brief and powerful communication every time you speak or write, how to write tighter emails and lead brief meetings, how to leverage your storytelling skills to be clear and concise, and much more.

If you care about your career and what’s next, you still have time to book your spot. We close the cart tonight at midnight.

Join us in The BRIEF Lab Level 1 Certification and start your journey toward mastering brevity for yourself and your organization.

image credit: shutterstock



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